Ensure Google Workspace Users Have JumpCloud Installed on Devices

Learn how to validate that all Google Workspace users have JumpCloud installed on their devices to meet security compliance with this step-by-step guide.

Patrick Londa
Jul 7, 2022
 min read
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If your organization is using Google Workspace for identity management, you might also be leveraging a device management tool like JumpCloud to enforce security practices and achieve SOC-2 compliance. While identity management ensures control over things like user permissions, user groupings, and more; device management includes everything from device security to remote updates and checking that required software is installed on work devices.

In this guide, we’ll focus on the combination of Google Workspace and JumpCloud, and how you can validate that all users in your Google Workspace have installed JumpCloud on at least one device.

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Validating JumpCloud Installation on Work Devices

The first step to validating if JumpCloud is installed across your organization is pulling a list of everyone in your Google Workspace so you can cross-check against the users in JumpCloud.

Step #1: Download a Users List From Google Workspace

To pull this list, first sign in to your Google Admin Console using your administrator account, and click the Users icon. 

Head over to the Users list and click Download users. You can either export the list to Google Sheets or download it as a CSV file.

You can also use the Google Workspace Directory API to get a paginated list of users.

Step #2: Filter All Users Without an Active Device on JumpCloud

So now that you have a list of all users from Google Workspace, you can pull a separate list from JumpCloud to cross-check and find installation gaps.

Getting a Users List with the JumpCloud Console
  1. Log in to the Administrator Portal: https://console.jumpcloud.com
  2. Under the “User Management” section, go to “Users”.
  3. In the top right, you’ll find an option to export a list either in JSON or CSV formats. The list will be saved with this naming format: “jcuserlist_yyyymmdd.<filetype>
Getting a Devices List with the JumpCloud Console

You can then get a list of all devices from the Administrator Portal.

  1. Once you’re logged in, go to the “Device Management” section and select “Devices”.
  2. Similar to how you pulled your users list, you can export in JSON or CSV formats and that file will follow this naming format: “jcudeviclist_yyyymmdd.<filetype>

Using these lists, you can cross reference them and see gaps in the users listed in Google Workspace vs. JumpCloud. You can use the vlookup function to align this data between lists. You’ll also be able to check that all users in JumpCloud have at least one device listed.

Once you have the list of users who have not installed JumpCloud on at least one device yet, you can message with them directly to ensure they complete installation and meet compliance.

It’s a good security compliance practice to run this validation process regularly so that you’re not caught off guard by a data breach originating from a compromised mobile device within your company’s IT environment.

Automating Device Compliance Checks With Blink

If you run this check manually once, you’ll be able to check your organization’s device security compliance, but doing this cross-referencing is time-intensive and requires context-switching.

By using a no-code/low-code automation platform like Blink, you can automate checks like this and schedule them to run regularly and send you the final compliance reports.

Get started with Blink today.